Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Or Because

There is evil inside you
and death
not forward or obvious
but creeping
through cheated lips
or waiting
to hurt someone
hurt him
rather me

Trapped and wishing
for discontinued voices
pseudo strong
and never letting on
because you
could eat the meat of her heart
if only to stay alive
for a few more
like when
a head is severed
to feel the pain

You are not here to save me
I am not so sweet
You are not here to save me
I am not so safe

Not healthy
or so destructive
to start
before the injury
or assume
without direction
as the sun sets south
you are lost

Cliche and under appreciated
as a boy speaks
the words of a genius
once again
I speak
how I am not me
or drowning
in your scent
sweaty sex
with a ghost
or a drug
I haven't mentioned
your name to

I have not let you save me
assuming I might need it
because I am
a monster
man made in fear
due to other monsters

or because

You are not so sweet
You are not so safe
should I say I?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lies like Pangaea

There is a back to everything
like what you sleep on
after attempts at disappearing
sick of hauls.

I've been sick for weeks
wishing you were
coughing up blood stained with my name.
forgotten and dead.

I don't want to hate
when I am never there
when you can't believe
the direction of the wind
blowing out the fire
and building walls
I think you are a liar.

New and used
in each night
like dark skin
impressed with foreign lips
and big eyes.

Sick sick sick
of pretending
to be an island
but I am
an island more like
wanting to be connected
together and whole.
No distance I can't run to
no oceans in between.

U.S.A. and Australia
parted and distant
at least not at war with each other
however far
so I cannot run
and I will not travel
because I am sick.